The Interurban Trail starts in the town of Pacific, and stretches for 14 miles, following the historic Interurban Rail Line. The trail is paved, nearly straight and flat as a pancake, making it perfect for land paddling !
When "the Mountain is out" ( as the locals say ), it's especially enjoyable to ride along this popular bike trail. Just make sure you share the trail with cyclists, runners, walkers, longboarders, and occasional rollerbladers.
Because the trail is mainly flat, it makes it perfect for first time riders to get the feeling of land paddling.
Land paddling is the most beginner friendly board sport, and this trail makes it even easier ( and safer ! ) to try this new cool board sport !
If you're visiting Seattle, WA and want to give land paddling a try, give "Seattle Kite, Surf, Paddle" a call to book your lesson.
They offer land paddling lessons, and tours in Auburn, Seattle, and Tacoma.
Want to get into land paddling ? Check out our suggestions for longboard & land paddles.
Already land paddling ? Share with us, and our readers your favorite destinations, trails, boards, paddles, and etc !
Want to make some extra money from your passion for land paddling ?
Already land paddling ? Share with us, and our readers your favorite destinations, trails, boards, paddles, and etc !
Want to make some extra money from your passion for land paddling ?