Make Money Promoting Electric Longboards Through Amazon Affiliate/Influencer Programs

Make Money Promoting These Electric Longboards Through Amazon Affiliate/Influencer Programs

Love longboarding/skateboarding or board sports in general ?

Electric longboards/skateboards have become very popular in the last few years !

They've also become very affordable and reliable !

Not only are they a lot of fun to ride, but, for many people, electric longboards have also become a mode of transportation or just a way to get around town...

That's why electric longboards are great products to promote, and make some extra money !

And one of the best ways to do that is through Amazon affiliate/influencer program !

There are a ton of electric longboards to choose from on Amazon with prices ranging between $200- $500 ( see the prices and brands here -  )

Since Amazon pays only 3% affiliate commission it makes sense to promote higher priced longboards...

BUT !!

The best part of Amazon affiliate/influencer program is that when people end up on Amazon through YOUR affiliate link, and buy ANYTHING ( not just longboards you promote, but anything at all ! ), YOU still make money !

More than that !!

In my previous YouTube video I showed how YOU can get a FREE Amazon sales page, and make the SAME affiliate commission when YOU SIMPLY SHOP ON AMAZON !

Pro Tip:

If you're really serious about building a profitable online business based on your passion/interests/hobbies... the best way to do it is by creating a marketing niche, and choosing a brand to work with !

When you become a brand Ambassador/social media influencer you can make money since many brands have their own dedicated affiliate programs that pay more !

On top if that, as a brand Ambassador you will be featured on the company's social media channels, you can get all kinds of freebies, and deep discounts ! 

Our personal choice is Swagtron brand that offers a variety of electric toys ( longboards, bikes, scooters, and hoverboards ) for all ages !

Swagtron also offers their own affiliate program that pays 5% affiliate commission ( comparing to Amazon's 3% 😥 )


Despite of what you might have heard before about affiliate marketing, making money nowadays is NOT as easy as it used to be...

Spamming social media with affiliate links DOESN'T WORK any more...

If you want to build your own online business based on affiliate marketing model, you'll need to learn at least the basics of business, marketing, and branding !

If you're serious about building a profitable, reliable online business that you'll love, and will be proud of, I recommend joining our ExtraHyperActive Network where dedicated a big portion of our education to affiliate marketing, and specifically to Amazon affiliate/influencer programs !


As our own brand Ambassador/social media influencer YOU can make money by simply promoting our brand on social media !

ExtraHyperActive Network